The Training For Prenatal and Perinatal Somatics: Know Your Practitioner
Prenatal and perinatal healing online is based on the work of Ray Castellino and understanding our earliest experiences in life. I have selected practitioners who are my friends, and who are recommended to me by Ray Castellino when he was alive. We worked together at the end of his life and were forming lots of new ways to promote his method and his vision for working with families, babies and adults.
Those of us on this list specialize in the recognition of the baby's experience, especially if the patterns from this early time are overwhelming. Ray, a pioneer who also trained with other pioneers like William Emerson who developed psychotherapy with babies, was able to identify many layers of our earliest experiences, starting preconception. Ray was also influenced by Dr. Randolph Stone, developer of the Polarity Therapy, Franklyn Sills, developer of the Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, Peter Levine, developer of Somatic Experiencing, and Anna and John Chitty, co-directors of the Colorado School of Energy Studies. He was also influenced by his colleagues, Tara Blasco and Mary Jackson, with whom he co-taught full prenatal and perinatal trainings.
Prenatal and perinatal layers are necessarily implicit and somatic, happening at a time when the left brain is not available for us to make a specific story out of what happened, but we remember. We remember through our body's felt sense. The practitioners in the PPN Somatic Collective are highly trained. I would trust each one to help people recognize, reach and integrate their earliest experiences.