What is in this section
Welcome to the amazing world of the prenate! The prenatal experiences are some of the most amazing, as we come into form as energy and vibration into a cell, then divide, multiply and make a body. As a body and spirit, we have experiences in the womb that we will have after we are born. We come into relationship with our mothers, make a home, a heart, a body and complete actions and gestures that prepare us for our lives outside the womb. We integrate midwifery and the baby's experience in this section of the course. We had to pick and choose what pieces to bring together, as the study of both the baby's experience and the role of the midwife are beyond what we could bring in this section. We have selected:
- Implantation
- Discovery
- The 4 Thresholds of the Embryo and the Principle of Choice
- The Baby's Experience of the Prenatal Period Through the Senses
- Pregnancy Loss/Twin Loss
- The Impact of Stress on Pregnancy
- The Womb as Environment and the Roots of Neurodevelopment
- The Role of the Placenta, Placement and Development
- Umbilical Cord/Umbilical Affect
- Uterine Variations
- Intrauterine Constraint/Claustrophobia
- Condensed Experiences (CO-EX)