Welcome to Module 2
Welcome to Module 2
The themes for Module 2 in Integrated Prenatal and Perinatal Dynamics™ focus on the prenatal period. Overarching themes include:
- The Principle of Choice
- How We Come Into Relationship
- The Embryo and Early Development
- The Placenta and What Nourishes?
- Home and Connection
- The Impact of Stress on Pregnancy
- Understanding the Umbilical Cord
- Variations on the Uterus and Placenta
- The Baby's Experience In Utero, including Constraint
- The Imprints from the Prenatal Period
We will traverse the territory of prenatal experience from the baby's experience, and also support the parents to practice prenatal bonding. Integrated Prenatal and Perinatal Dynamics practitioners will understand the world of the vulnerable prenate, how to support parents, and the midwife's perspective on the prenatal period.
Our skills will always return to understanding the map of the autonomic nervous system, working with resourcing, imparting skills of being, relationship, listening, recognition and conversation. Our clinical skills include:
- Meditations
- PPN Principles, especially the principle of Choice
- Autonomic Nervous System states around coming into relationship, building and making a home, putting down roots, our relationship with receiving, especially what nourishes.
- Interpersonal neurobiology
- Recognizing intrauterine constraint
- Broadening and deepening states as tools for stabilization and transformation
- Table work, working with umbilical affect and touching the belly
- Table work, working with pregnant mothers with intrauterine constraint