Birth in Pieces
Healing Birth Trauma Series One
- Showing of Birth in Pieces Documentary
- Discussion of the film with Kathleen Kendall-Tackett and Kate White
- Kathleen Kendall-Tacket: Birth Trauma: Causes and Consequences of Birth-Related PTSD
- Kate White: "I Had A Baby:" A Three-Fold Path to Heal Birth Trauma
- Kimberly Ann Johnson: Call of the Wild: Healing Birth through a Real World Understanding of the Nervous System
- Molly Caro May: The Reparative Possibility in a Birth Story
El Jardín Birth and Family began the Birth in Pieces project in 2015. A labor of love, this project spanned multiple years and took various twists and turns as we interviewed more and more women. Patterns emerged. We realized that these individual narratives, together, painted a picture of modern birth culture. What's wrong with birth in the USA? It's time to ask mothers. The film is the outcome of their work interviewing mothers and their partners talking about their experiences with birth.
- We know that between 25% and 34% of women report birth as traumatic.
- 1 in 4 women who give birth express symptoms of PTSD.
- PTSD before COVID was between 6 and 9%, depending on who you read, and now with the pandemic, PTS has risen to 30%-40%.
- 20-25% of birthing women had perinatal mood issues before the pandemic, and now between 30% and 35% report postpartum depression and/or anxiety.
- Mood disorders, morbidity and mortality rates for women and babies are all 2-3x worse for women of color.
- 700-900 women die in childbirth each year in the US, and for everyone woman who dies, 70-90 nearly die.
- Severe morbidity has increased 200% from 1993 to 2014.
- The US is ranked 6th in the world for prematurity rates, between Bangladesh and Pakistan.
- Really? In the US? This powerhouse of a nation that spends three times as much money on healthcare as any other developed nation? What is happening here?
We need to have ways to prevent and heal birth trauma. This is a vital time of life that can set a human being on a trajectory for health or for neurodevelopmental challenges as a baby, child, and adult. We are interested in supporting families to heal so they can thrive. Prenatal and Perinatal Healing Online is pairing with Kathleen Kendall-Tackett to support several series that feature professionals and their ways to support healing with birthing families and birth professionals. Birth in Pieces is our first series. It will feature:
- The viewing of Birth in Pieces followed by a discussion with Kathleen Kendall-Tackett and Kate White about birth trauma. FREE Register Here
- Kathleen Kendall-Tacket: Birth Trauma: Causes and Consequences of Birth-Related PTSD
- Kate White: "I Had A Baby:" A Three-Fold Path to Heal Birth Trauma
- Kimberly Ann Johnson: Call of the Wild: Healing Birth through a Real World Understanding of the Nervous System
- Molly Caro May: The Reparative Possibility in a Birth Story
Your Instructor
Kate White is an award-winning educator and an advanced bodyworker. She is trained in somatic therapies, prenatal and perinatal somatic health, lactation, brain development, infant mental health, and has specialized in parent-baby dyad care using somatic prevention and trauma healing approaches for 26 years. She is a mother of two children, holds a BA and MA in Communication, is a Registered Craniosacral Therapist in the Biodynamic Craniosacral method and a Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner. Her work combines somatic trauma healing, energetic therapies, bodywork, pediatric therapies and education about the nervous system to help give families with babies and small children the best possible start. She is Founding Director of Education for the Association for Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health where from 2013 – 2019 she created and ran the Prenatal and Perinatal Educator Certificate program, a large online educational program for professionals. She went on to found Prenatal and Perinatal Healing Online and the Prenatal and Perinatal Somatics Institute. She teaches classes online and in person, and offers a training called Integrated Prenatal and Perinatal Dynamics. She has a private practice in Chapel Hill, NC called Kate White, PPN ( and offers her own seminars through the Center for Prenatal and Perinatal Programs,
Course Curriculum
StartKathleen Kendall-Tackett: Birth Trauma: Causes and Consequences of Birth-Related PTSD (115:52)
StartKate White: "I Had a Baby;" A Three-Fold Path to Heal Birth Trauma (87:48)
StartKimberly Ann Johnson: Call of the Wild: Healing Birth through a Real World Understanding of the Nervous System (76:19)
StartMolly Caro May: The Reparative Possibility in a Birth Story (81:40)