Welcome and Description
Have you always wanted to study prenatal and perinatal somatic therapy and the work of Ray Castellino? Now you can! Ray Castellino offers short courses in Prenatal and Perinatal Healing Online that will whet your appetite for a complete and full practitioner training. This course covers important skills and topics that are tools and information for the practitioner. In this first series, Dropping into Prenatal and Perinatal (PPN) Implicit Memory with Ease, Ray offers a series of tools for the curious learner that supports a deeper understanding of how to be with our earliest experiences in life. While patterns from this time are life-giving and enhancing, difficult experiences can also linger and hinder our development. They lurk in our unconscious but alive in our bodies, and can play a role in our suffering today. We can give you the tools to see these early experiences as imprints, or impressions, and ways to integrate them into our lives today. This seven week class includes:
- From Self to Social Nervous System: Working with Energetic Systems
- The Principles: Creating a Safe Container for Deepening into Implicit Memory
- Intention Setting and its Role in Working with PPN Implicit Memory
- Leading Edge, Titration and Pendulation
- Working with Movement and PPN Somatic Therapy
- Introducing "The Form" as Part of a PPN Somatic Therapy Toolkit
- Special Bonus on October 5: Summary, Q & A, and Conclusions
Classes were recorded from August to October, 2020
The Special Bonus will be on Monday October 5, at the same time.
Times are:
- Noon Pacific
- 1 pm Mountain
- 2 pm Central
- 3 pm Eastern
- 9 pm European
- 5 am Sydney, Australian
All classes last two hours and use zoom technology. They are recorded for further viewing.
This course is not to be used in place of a practitioner training. It is meant to be educational only.