April 28, 2020: Mia Kalef, The Family Field: How Our Ancestors Unhealed Wounds Can Span the Generations and What We Can Do About It.
About Mia Kalef
Mia Kalef is a therapist, author, and ceremonialist dedicated to seeing the soul of things. She practiced as a Chiropractor for eighteen years and has been a craniosacral therapist for twenty-five years. She mentors health professionals in bringing prebirth and birth awareness into their work and gives divinations in the tradition of the Dagara people of west and central Africa. She lives on an island in the North Pacific with her husband Brice, and works locally and internationally serving humanity's intersection with the subtle world. Her website is miakalef.com.
About This Talk
You might be wondering why symptoms you continually work on never seem to abate. Maybe there are a number of people in your family or in your ancestry who all suffer from similar conditions or challenging traits. We now know that genetics cannot fully explain our physical and emotional inheritance. What if we are vessels of unfinished business from our ancestral pasts? What if those inheritances are trying to be healed through us? Join me for exploring the Family Field Theory, and learn simple techniques for bringing health to yourself, your present family, and possibly your ancestors.