Welcome and What's in this Course?

Welcome to the Leading Edge Skills Practice!

In this course you will get a chance to receive private coaching on the skills related to what Ray Castellino has named, The Leading Edge.

What is a "Leading Edge"? Simply put, the "leading edge" is a term coined by Ray Castellino that means a primary therapeutic window for healing and repatterning imprints that are overwhelming, and running unconsciously in our lives. While working in our leading edge, we can bridge and integrate the energy that has been frozen or encapsulated in our bodies with the skills of presence, conscious awareness and the bodily, felt sense.

We will review the skills of the Leading Edge, including:

  • Resourcing
  • Working with the felt sense
  • Blueprint and Imprint
  • Pendulation and Titration
  • Broadening to stabilize
  • Deepening to help with transformation

Remember, We:

  • Stabilize to Realize (resourcing)
  • Educate about the State (psychoeducation about the ANS and Vagus)
  • Feel to be Real (work sensation)
  • Take the Lead and Provide the Need (corrective experiences)
  • Hold the Space to Create the Place (create conditions for change)
  • Deepen to Transform and Let the Essence Rise (beyond "fixing" and "healing," go "into the midst" of the memory with consciousness and presence so your client integrates the imprint and finds purpose, ease, and wholeness.)

In the Leading Edge, we slow the pace and allow the person we are with to feel themselves in a titrated way, toggling back and forth between what is resourcing and what is the difficulty or challenge.

Each session will be a review, with any questions, 30 minutes of practice per person, and then harvesting with questions and answers.

Here is our zoom link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81129388899

All sessions are recorded for review and harvest of experiences.

See you soon!


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