What's in this class?

One of the most important things that parents can do for their babies is to seek healing for their own hurts.  This final class is not a birth preparation class. I suggest you to seek out childbirth education as part of the preparation for birth.  This class will remind you of where you are in the circle of life. When I began telling people I was pregnant with my first baby, I received a lot of different comments. The most empowering response for me was a woman who simply hugged me and said, “How wonderful, another cycle begins,” and nothing else.  This response was in stark contrast to many invasive looks and comments I received.

Today’s lecture is about the Circle of Life. I will take you on a journey around the medicine wheel and show you where pregnant women fit in this circle. I have a handout for you that is hand written that will support the lecture. Lois will lead you in discussion about birth from some of her hypnobirthing exercises. I encourage the following things to expecting parents.

1.  Educate yourself all you can about the possible obstetrical procedures that may happen during your birth and discern which of them may be necessary for your delivery (including circumcision).

2.  Honestly express your feelings about any complication or medical interventions that may be necessary and be prepared to forgive yourself if your birth does no go “perfectly” or the way you expect it to.

3.  Explain to your unborn baby what may happen during the birth process, and communicate with your baby as they are being born. Be confident of your feelings about your baby, knowing that you can sense what he or she might be feeling. Let your intuition help guide you on what is appropriate for you and know that you are right.

4.  Engage in healing in the ways that you have learned in class, and in any other way that may be meaningful for you. 

5.   Surround yourself and your spouse/partner with people who are going to be sensitive to the baby during birth and postpartum. Birthing or post-partum doulas are great resources and can help reduce fear and stress.

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