Somatic trauma resolution practitioners are ideally trained to specialize in helping to prevent and heal birth trauma. Healing from these early imprints can be a game changer for healthy human development. In this workshop you will learn advanced somatic resolution skills for treating perinatal trauma. Treating birth trauma is more complex than shock trauma; it often brings up earlier and developmental traumas. It involves many people: the birthing parent, other parent or partner, the baby, and the birthing staff.
This workshop applies quintessential somatic skills to healing birth trauma:
- Medicalized Birth Trauma
- The Shock of Witnessing
- Working with a Birthing Timeline (single episode) in relationship to the body
- Restoring Primitive Survival Responses to Overwhelming Situations
- Attack and Assault
- Near Death
- Injury and Recovery
- Repairing Relationship to Essential Self, Supportive Other, and World
Prerequisites: Professional Healing Practice
Intermediate 1 Somatic Experiencing® or Skills in somatic modalities, birthing, parenting coaching or relevant experience
More information and to register
About Dr. Abi Blakeslee: Dr. Abi Blakeslee is faculty at the Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute and Foundation for Human Enrichment. She is additionally Dr. Peter Levine’s legacy faculty at Ergos Institute for Somatic Education. Dr. Blakeslee holds a Ph.D. in Clinical and Somatic Psychology and is a licensed marriage and family therapist.
About Kate White: Kate is an advanced bodyworker, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, and prenatal and perinatal trauma specialist with over 20 years’ experience. She offers training programs through the Center for Prenatal and Perinatal Programs and has a private practice.