March 24, 2020: Margaret Rosenau, Biodynamics: An Orientation to Health

Join us for this lecture where you will:

  • Discover new ways of thinking, perceiving, and being.
  • Be introduced to the Biodynamic paradigm whose principles include a shift in attention to that which is always well in all of us--and how to support your clients in re-orienting to their innate wellness and healing capacity.
  • Discover how a biodynamic orientation can support the facilitation of pre and perinatal material by orienting to the pace at which life unfolds – the same pace that the embryo and fetus develop within.
  • Learn skills to support the creation of safe and authentic connection in relationships, including how to create and support a deep and compassionate relational container.
  • Participate in experiential exercises that will increase your felt sense of your body and nervous system.

 Margaret  Rosenau, MA, RCST, SEP is the lead instructor and director of the  School of Inner Health in Denver. She has been teaching since 2006. She  is a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (2002) and Registered  Craniosacral Therapist (2003) and graduated from Ray Castellino's  Pre-Perinatal training (2004).  Her  extensive experience gives her the  capacity to support students from a place of remarkable depth and  breadth. The human body is truly her medium for connecting people to the  aliveness within themselves and the world. 

In this talk, we discuss how the triangle of therapies and how we are developing new tools and training for practitioners. Margaret brings so much to this work. She is also very connected indigenous ways through the work of Martin Prechtel.

Margaret practices to restore health, to have the body remember who we really are. She blends ancient wisdom, the autonomic nervous system function, coherency, and the way to allow healing to happen.

  • How do we help people remember?
  • How do we help them connect to themselves, their place and others?
  • How do we enhance coherent rhythms and states in our bodies?
  • What role does touch play in therapies?

Margaret and I are developing something new for our field. We want to include you!


School of Inner Health 

Ray Castellino's Training  

Dynamics of Coherence: Amplifying Resilience in the Nervous System 

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