The Inner Child Process with Robin Grille - 2024

A 6-session practitioner training for practitioners

  Enroll in Course

New course now enrolling, starting September 2024

  • Session One: September 18, 2024 (US) September 19 (Sydney) The Neuropsychology of the Inner Child
  • Session Two: September 25, 2024 (US) September 26 (Sydney) Learning the Inner Child Process
  • Session Three: October 2, 2024 (US) October 3 (Sydney) The Sequential Steps of Psycho-Emotional Healing
  • Session Four: October 9, 2024 (US) October 10 (Sydney) Developmental Nutrients for the Inner Child
  • Session Five: October 16, 2024 (US) October 17 (Sydney) A Deeper Look at the Inner Child
  • Session Six: October 23, 2024 (US) October 24 (Sydney) Bringing It All Together


7 pm Eastern in the US, 9 am Sydney, Australian time the following day

New! Short video from Robin Grille about the course

Robin talks about the unique strengths of this course and why he believes it is so vital.

Why Take The Inner Child Course:

The benefits of the process!

" As parents we either unconsciously parent exactly as we were parented or we consciously try to do the exact opposite. Either way our parenting is trapped by how we were parented. I can think of now more important and liberating work for parents to do than to take this Inner Child Healing Journey with Robin Grille as their guide." ~ Pam Leo, author, Connection Parenting

Short Interview with Robin Grille

The process described step by step

The course is online and will be held over 6 weeks.

Time Zone Check:

There are times when the journey of being a parent can almost feel like it is breaking us. But if we know how to read these moments of challenge and overwhelm, we see something new: we see that the journey is breaking us … open! Understanding the developmental needs of our own Inner Child can transform the times of parental stress, helplessness and conflict into doorways to the greatest personal growth and healing journey of our lives.

If you are a counsellor, therapist or parent-coach, and you’d like to learn how to facilitate Inner Child Journeys safely and effectively as part of your practice, this course will equip you with evidence-based skills and competency in my approach to Inner Child Journeying.

My approach to Inner Child Journeying has brought vital and transformative changes to clients and workshop participants around the world for many years. The many obstacles and blind-alleys that parents and teachers commonly face in child-rearing will often have something to do with old emotional wounds that have been triggered in the adult. Without this insight, what we say or do for our children can too-often miss the mark. But compassionate self-awareness gives us more gifts than we might imagine. The more closely we know our Inner Child, the more intuitive we become about what our children need. Moreover, we discover that even the most painful or frustrating challenges brought to us by our children are rich opportunities for our own healing and growth. This Inner Child Process offers a safe, step-by-step method for contacting the deep feelings, thoughts and wisdom of the Child that lives in all of us, clearing a path for healing and personal unfoldment.

  • Help your clients develop their natural insight, intuition and compassion as parents
  • Help your clients become more effective and attuned as parents
  • Help your clients to differentiate between their own projections vs their children’s real needs
  • Help your clients make sense of their own childhood experiences and how these have affected their parenting style
  • Turn your clients’ parenting challenges into opportunities for personal healing and growth
  • Use this Inner Child Process for Couples Therapy, and a whole host of other contexts involving healing and personal growth

Your Instructor

Robin Grille
Robin Grille
Robin Grille is an Australian psychologist and parenting educator. His articles on parenting and child development have been widely published and translated in Australia and around the world. Robin’s first book: ‘Parenting for a Peaceful World’ received international acclaim and led to speaking engagements around Australia, USA, UK, Canada, Indonesia, New Zealand and Hong Kong. His second book, ‘Heart to Heart Parenting’, is also available in German and Korean. Robin’s work is animated by his belief that humanity’s future is largely dependent on the way we collectively relate to our children. “Inner Child Journeys – how our children grow us up’ is his newest title.
Robin’s experiential, skills-based and informational parenting courses have helped many people to embrace parenting as a transformative, personal growth journey. Drawing from 28 years’ clinical experience and from leading-edge neuropsychological research, Robin’s seminars and courses focus on healthy emotional development for children as well as parents; while building supportive, co-operative parenting communities. You can see more about him and his books, videos, resources plus other services at

To find out more about Robin Grille’s work, his books, articles and seminars visit:

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
This is a live course offered for 6 Monday starting June 12 7 pm Eastern, 9 am Sydney Asutralian time (June 13)
How long do I have access to the course?
You have 30 days to view the material and then it will be taken down.
What is your cancellation policy?
If you cancel before 7 days before the course, you will get a refund minus $50 administration fee

Get started now!