Understanding Sleep and Your Baby's Experience
With Eliza Parker, Conscious Baby
Three 90 minute classes about your baby's experience and sleep
Plus Bonus Class: "Sleep is a State"
Many parents feel anxiety and pressure about their baby’s sleep, but don’t resonate or have success with common solutions. If your child seems to fight sleep or cries beyond needs, you’re not doing anything wrong.
Bonus Class: Sleep Is a State: An Introduction to Understanding Sleep and Your Baby’s Experience Babies' state of being greatly affects how deeply they can relax, just like adults. To help babies sleep, we must address the experiences impacting them. This allows you to truly meet underlying needs; then sleep will come naturally. This talk will discuss baby sleep, why it seems like they’re “fighting,” and touch on various crucial aspects that can affect sleep. It is also an introduction to the upcoming course. Register here
Class 1: The Emotional Key: Stress Release – Why stress builds up, how babies naturally release it so they can relax, and why this is not a bad thing
Class 2: The Core Key: Processing Birth and Early Experiences – The least recognized, yet most pivotal part of understanding your child’s experience, and the most common factor behind sleep struggles
Class 3: The Physical Key: Baby-led Milestones and Handling Tips – Babies develop habits by how we hold and move them, which has the potential to unintentionally trigger their body-brain into high alert or to calm them
Your Instructor
Eliza’s work helping babies sleep, move, and feel better revolves around her respect for babies and toddlers as whole people who enter the world aware, desiring to communicate and learn, and with the ability to process and self-heal within relationship.
Her Conscious Baby practice employs unique approaches to non-cry-it-out sleep, baby-led milestone development, healing birth trauma, and parental attunement to non-verbal cues and crying.
As a certified Aware Parenting Instructor, Infant Developmental Movement Educator, Body-Mind Centering® Practitioner, and trained Feldenkrais® practitioner, Eliza’s life-changing perspectives and respectful solutions toward common parenting challenges transcend “typical” parenting advice. In her own words:
My life-changing perspectives and respectful solutions for sleep and other common parenting questions transcend “typical” advice. I want you to have access to the updated information you need about development that you won’t find in standard advice.
You may be surprised to learn that I’m not a parent. However, as a professional infant nanny for 10 years, I ‘had’ 25 babies and toddlers, putting what I teach into practice daily. So I have particular expertise helping you integrate our work seamlessly into daily life and connection. This helps reduce overwhelm and ease strain on relationship.
I’m also a Highly Sensitive Person. This is a trait (like hair color) that runs in 15 to 20% of the population. When I work with families, it means I’m especially sensitive to babies’ pre-language cues, easily aware of subtleties, and excellent at perceiving what’s going on under the surface.
My certifications include:
- Aware Parenting Instructor, Dr. Aletha Solter
- Infant Developmental Movement Educator, Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, OT
- Body-Mind Centering® Practitioner, Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, OT
- Spiritual Counselor, Delphi University & Spiritual Center
- Trained as a Feldenkrais® Practitioner
ConsciousBaby.com | 00 1 919-469-0519 | [email protected]
Course Curriculum
PreviewFree Lecture: Sleep Is a State: An Introduction to Understanding Sleep and Your Baby’s Experience (63:25)
StartClass One: The Emotional Key: Stress Release (97:02)
StartClass Two: The Core Key: Processing Birth and Early Experiences (88:55)
StartClass Three: The Physical Key: Baby-led Milestone and Handling Tips (94:22)