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Integrated Prenatal and Perinatal Dynamics Module 1
Welcome to Module 1
Welcome to Module 1
Day One: Welcome, Intention, Gracious Space
Day Two: Double Binds, Ghosts, Angels, and Echoes, Trauma Sensitive Intake
Day Three: Blueprint/Imprint, Attachment Styles, Creating Safe Haven, Listening
Exercises for Module 1 (75:30)
In-Service Lecture and Practice: Decompressing the Layers
Extra Handouts
Focusing Handouts
Preconception and Conception Dynamics
Preconception Dynamics (59:55)
Conception Dynamics (72:03)
Transgenerational and Intergenerational Patterns
What is in the section
Part 1: Epigenetics and Transgenerational/Intergenerational Trauma (43:25)
Part 2: Polyvagal Theory (29:45)
Part 3: Case Study (12:39)
Working with Preconception and Conception Dynamics Patterns
Work to Clear Traumas: Ancestral History and the Clinical Intake
Working with Intention, the Beginning of the Sequence
Identify the Leading Edge (14:38)
Introduction to Double Binds: Differentiation
Cellular Conscious: Coming Into Form
Embodiment Meditations and Skills
Welcoming Space
Preconception Evidence-Based Tools
Overview of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health
Attachment Styles: Conscious Parenting
Brief Adult Attachment Interview
Circle of Security
Adverse Childhood Experiences Questionnaire and Resilience Score
Benevolent Childhood Experiences Questionnaire
Trauma-Informed, Resilience and Healing Centered Approaches
Adverse Early and Babyhood Experiences and Resilience links
The Work of Karen Melton: 9 Step of Early Conscious Parenting
List of Clinical Skills for Module 1
List of Clinical Skills
Essential Clinical Principles For Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology Practitioners
Calling a Pause with Frank Carbone and Kate White (4:01)
Resource List
Book List
Ghost in Your Genome
Prenatal Memory Youtube
ACEs resources website
Twinkle in the Parents' Eye
Maternal ACEs and Infant Development
ACEs resources website
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