Welcome to Module 7: Blueprint and Double Binds Skills Identification and Practice
In this module, we will do a deeper dive into Double Binds. One of the great contributions of Ray Castellino to the field of somatic body-centered therapies is how to work with ancestral life and death double binds. These layers of experience include decontextualized trauma where we still behave in survival patterns that set in motion from an original trauma that happened from many layers back. If unmetabolized, these patterns continue in the generations, and Ray Castellino introduced a unique process that acknowledges the forces at play. These forces often create what Ray called a "tension field," and he developed a relational way to work with them, especially in group work. It is an essential skill for therapists to work.
Those of us who work with prenatal and perinatal early trauma often work mainly with Double Binds. Ray Castellino's approach is a path of discovery, and he helped see the anatomy of these ancestral patterns plus the way through them. Anna Chitty also contributed to these ways of working with Double Binds. The education is a long term learning for therapists. It is a practice of awareness, working with yourself, the therapeutic relationship, and groups. Understanding these binds supports the work, and supports the natural blueprint in the client and the relationship. There is a natural trust that emerges so the work is easier. Working with Double Binds is a practical approach and is very learnable. This first Double Bind module introduces the learner to the theory, subtle tracking and blueprint practices.
Themes of Module 7:
- Double Bind Theory
- Review of 5 Practitioner Skills
- Leading Edge Review and Practice
- Somatic Listening and Subtle Skill Building
- Blueprint Practices and the Double Bind
- Subtle Tracking Skills
- Working with Freeze States and the Tension Field
- The Importance of Self Reflection
- Working with Gesture and Double Binds
Specific Practitioner Skills
- Body Centered Practices and Meditations
- Resourcing and Creating Coherency when working with Double Binds
- Somatic Listening and Accurate Reflection
- Leading Edge Review, Broadening and Deepening to Change a State
- Working with Freeze States in particular
- Recognizing and Sitting with Tension Fields
- Recognizing and Encouraging the Emergence with Blueprint
- Ancestral Pattern Recognition and Working with the Ancestors
- Identifying Layers of Support
- Self Reflection as an Essential Skill
- Working with Gesture and Double Binds
- Making Repair
- Working with Groups