Course Description and Class Topics

This is a stand alone class, no prerequisites necessary.

Course description:

 Early in our embryological development, we layer in a head-tail dimension to our front-back orientation. Our head-tail axis, or long axis, is supported through the development of three embryological layers and the energetic polarity of our central line. We can utilize these four systems of long body support to find easeful alignment. The endoderm develops our gut axis, the ectoderm develops the axis of our central nervous system, the meso-tissue creates our vertebral axis, and our energetic axis creates our central channel from pelvic floor to palate. With all these means of central axis support, we need not use effort to arrange ourselves; we simply re-member and embody the early stages of these systems to create ease and alignment in the present.

 Class topics and descriptions:

Session One: Our Inner Sea of Qi and Outer Sea of Qi. Our Inner Sea of Qi and Outer Sea of Qi are created by drawing in our yolk sac and becoming surrounded by our amniotic sac. These “seas” derive from our two-layered stage of endoderm and ectoderm. Our middle body begins with the process of gastrulation and the transition from 2 layers to 3 layers.

Session Two: Gastrulation. Gastrulation initiates at the point that later becomes the hui yin or perineal body at the base of our pelvis. Cells go on to form the primitive streak and the beginning of our middle body. The primitive streak initiates middle body development and supports our lower dan tien and ability to root into this center.

Session Three: The Notochord. The notochord arises from the primitive streak and continues to inform our head-tail axis. It has been described as a reed-like structure. The notochord develops into the vertebral discs and long spinal ligaments to provide a soft and fluid movement quality to the spine.

Session Four: Neural Tube Formation. In response to the notochord, the neural plate folds, and zips to form the neural tube. The foundation of our CNS, the tube is bathed in amniotic fluid which forebears the cerebrospinal fluid and its own inherent rhythm, the cranio-sacral rhythm. Being yang in nature, the CNS is grounded by a caudal “cap” created by the tail bud, a yin component of the meso-tissue.

Session Five: The Bony Spine. The bony spine is derived from somites, segments which form around the notochord and spinal cord. They create individual vertebrae that allow sequential articulation. The vertebral column provides containment and structural support for our long axis.

Session Six: Kidney Development. Derived from three pair of primordial tissue, the kidneys coalesce to their final location in the mid-back. They are considered the source of our “prenatal qi” received from our parents. Releasing withholding and pushing patterns here can help us modulate our personal energy.

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