Welcome and Orientation

Welcome to the Getting Started Treating Babies Course:

In this course you will get:

  • 3 two-hour zoom sessions, Thursdays: May 5, 12 and 26 (US time) 7:30 pm Eastern - 9:30 pm Eastern
  • Access to Getting Started Treating Babies on the Kindred Academy online course
  • Access to the Kindred Academy Baby Health and Stretch course

You will learn:

  • How to take the history at the initial and follow up visits
  • How to work with baby smoothly to perform your examination
  • How to perform the key principles of the majority of 'baby techniques'
  • How to examine and treat the cranium
  • How to know your limits, know when to refer

The use of clinic footage is a key component of this course as it provides highly effective learning outcomes. It allows us to get beyond the 'theory' of what is needed and gets you an insider view of critical 'baby' skills being used in clinic on real babies during real treatments. The online modules are:

Module 1: History Taking: Taking the birth history, how to make history taking easy, and a walkthrough of the history

Module 2: Examination of the Baby: The examination framework, examining the baby's cranium, and knowing your skills and safety

Module 3: Treatment: Challenge or ease, finding the ease, challenging the tissues, thorax and shoulder complex, treating the cranium, and what treatment to use when

Module 4: Putting it All Together: Action plan, referrals and red flags, improving your skills.

Your purchase will give you three sessions in the Prenatal and Perinatal Healing Online Learning Community, and 4 modules in Kindred Academy.

All live sessions are held in zoom, and recordings uploaded for you to view later. You will have lifelong access to the Getting Started Treating Babies and Baby Stretch courses in Kindred Academy.

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